Discussion Paper Released Proposing Long Overdue Reform to Charitable Fundraising

Exciting things could be brewing for charitable fundraising reform. In some cases if a charity fundraises online, including on social media, it can quite innocently be caught by a raft of State and Territory laws, determined according to where its potential donors access its appeal.

The flood of donations, many from international sources, inspired by the 2020 bushfires and the controversy surrounding the Celeste Barber bushfire appeal have led to a renewed focus on the regulation of charitable giving in Australia. The regulatory regime is run by the States and Territories, and much of the law predates social media and even the internet.

The introduction of the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission came with the prospect that this archaic (pre-internet) regime could be streamlined. It is great to see the ACNC continuing the initiative in this important work. Have your say in the consultation which closes 18 September. A link to the short consultation paper is found below.



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